Therapeutic Exercise


Therapeutic exercise plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy body and alleviating pain. When prescribed and performed appropriately, therapeutic exercise can offer a wide range of benefits for physical health and well-being, including the following:

T Exercise


Partial sit ups are recommended for people with back pain. The same muscle groups are worked out without putting stress on the lower back. You will start just like a regular sit up with your back on the floor, both feet on the floor, and your knees bent. Raise your head, neck, and shoulders off of the floor and hold that position for 5 seconds. This exercise will strengthen your core and is simple to do. Repeat as many times as you can, with a goal of increasing your reps each day.

You start this exercise the same way like the partial sit up. Begin the exercise by drawing one of your knees to your chest, using both hands (only one foot is now on air). Hold to the count of 10, then slowly release it to the rest position. Do 4-5 repetitions, and then repeat with your other leg, then both legs at the same time. This exercise stretches your glutes and back. 


Start by laying flat on your stomach with your hands to your side. Lift your head and upper body off of the ground by using the muscles in your lower back. Hold this position for 4-5 seconds and then lower yourself back down. Repeat 10-15 times. 



This exercise is best performed with a stability ball. Lay with your stomach on the stability ball with your hands behind your head. Tighten your abdominal muscles and use your lower back muscles by contracting your glutes to lift your shoulders and chest off the ball.


Lie face down with your arms extended above your head. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your arms and legs off the ground. It should like you are in a Superman like flying position. Hold this for about 30 seconds and then release. You may be tempted to hold your breath when clenching your abdominal muscles. DON'T! Control your breathing while holding this position.

Using a stability ball, lay face down with your hands on the floor in front of the ball. Raise both legs off of the floor until your body is horizontal and hold the position for about 10 seconds. Lower your legs back down to the floor and repeat 5-10 times.

While seated in a chair, reach one arm across your stomach and grasp the opposite side of the chair. Look over the shoulder while rotating the low- and mid-back. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Start by lying on your right side with your right arm folded under your head. Your upper left arm should be parallel to your torso, bent at the elbow so that you r forearm is lying across your stomach with your hand on the floor. By rotating your shoulder, raise your forearm so that it is perpendicular to the side of your body. Switch to your other side and repeat. This exercise can also be performed with a dumbbell.

Lay on your right side, like in the external shoulder rotation, but keep your right hand free this time. Keep your right arm next to your body and bend at the elbow. Rotate your shoulder to move your forearm. It will start flat on the floor, and then you will rotate it into your body so that your forearm is flat across your stomach. Repeat this motion 10-15 and use a dumbbell if you prefer.

Start with your arms to the side of your body, palms facing the thighs. Tighten the abdominals, bend the knees slightly, and position the feet about shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight out to your side until they are shoulder height. Hold that position briefly, and slowly return your arms to your sides.

Start with your arms in front of your body, palms facing the thighs. Tighten the abdominals, bend the knees slightly, and position the feet about shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight out in front of you until they are shoulder height. Hold that position briefly, and slowly lower your arms.

Begin with both hands overhead holding an elastic resistance band. Engage the abdominals, bend the knees slightly, and position the feet about shoulder-width apart.

Pull downward to the side with one arm, adducting at the shoulder until the upper arm is next to the torso. Pause, then return slowly to the starting position. Keeps your arms slightly in front of the face to protect the back and shoulders.

Start with the ball under your stomach and your hands on the floor in front of you. Roll forward slowly until your shins are balancing on the stability ball. Now perform pushups as your normally would by bending at the elbow.

Lie on one side with your legs straight. Support the upper body by keeping the elbow directly beneath the shoulder. Being careful not to let the top hip rotate forward, engage the abdominals and use the torso to lift the hips. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, maintaining a neutral neck and spine position.

Lie on your back with one knee flexed and foot flat on the floor and the other leg straight out slightly raised off the ground. Extend arms flat along body and maintain neutral alignment in the cervical spine.

Lift the working knee and leg in an upward diagonal direction over the belly button. Pause, then slowly lower the leg to the starting position. Repeat with other leg.

Lay down with your back on the stability ball and your hands behind your head or folded across your chest. Maintain a backwards-pelvic tilt and raise shoulder blades off the ball, return to the starting position, and repeat.

Stand facing the wall and hold the stability ball at forehead height. Use your neck muscles to push your forehead into the stability ball. Relax and repeat.

Stand facing away from the wall and hold the stability ball behind your head. Push back of head into the ball.

Stand sideways to the wall. Hold the stability ball above your shoulder at the side of your head. Push side of heads laterally into the ball.

Neck Stretches

  1. Bring your ear to your shoulder
  2. Let your neck to sit in that position for 5 to 7 seconds
  3. Force your ear toward your shoulder.
  4. Feel the stretch of your neck muscle on the opposite side.

Neck exercises for strength

  1. Put your hand on your forehead and force your forehead against your hand to provide resistance. You can do this in several sets of 6, 8, or 10 repetitions.
  2. Place your hands on the back of your neck and force your head back while providing resistance with your hands.

It's important to note that therapeutic exercise programs should be tailored to an individual's specific needs, taking into account their medical history, current physical condition, and any existing limitations. Working with healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists, exercise physiologists, or physicians, can help ensure that therapeutic exercise programs are safe, effective, and personalized to address the individual's unique health goals and concerns.

 Additionally, individuals should seek guidance from healthcare providers before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if they have existing health conditions or concerns. Professional supervision and guidance can help individuals maximize the benefits of therapeutic exercise while minimizing the risk of injury or complications.


Los Angeles Location


6221 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 326,
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Encino Location


16661 Ventura Blvd,
Encino, CA 91436

Office Hours


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